Tuesday, July 2

Good Samaritan Medical Center nurse receives surprise honor, helped friend in Israel get to safety in US

A local nurse received a heartwarming and emotional surprise Thursday morning at Good Samaritan Medical Center.

AnnaMae Predtechenskis and her sister took in a non-verbal, special needs woman named Liel after learning she was in Israel during the Oct. 7 attack on Hamas.

The sisters met Liel during a summer camp in New York City years ago but always remained in touch.

“Leil is an incredible friend. I remember when I met her when she was 13 and thinking to myself, ‘I want to look at the world the same way she does. I want to be her friend,'” Predtechenskis said.

When they heard Liel needed help, they stepped into action and flew her to the U.S. and took her in.

“I have an incredible heart for people that are in need. I think it’s my nursing heart,” she said.

Predtechenskis was recognized and honored in the Tenet’s Hall of Fame during her shift. It was all a surprise that took place in the lobby of Good Samaritan Medical Center.

“It definitely took me by surprise, very emotional,” she said. “I’m really thankful.”

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