Saturday, June 29

Here’s what to look out for so cardiovascular disease doesn’t sneak up on you

We are casting our lens on mens health this month, focusing on the areas that need your attention.

So men, listen to this!

Dr. Joseph McGinn is a cardiovascular surgeon with Baptist Health. He says cardiovascular disease kills more men each year than all cancers combined.

What makes cardiovascular disease tricky? It can sneak up on you.

Be on the lookout for shortness of breath thats progressing over months, warns McGinn. If you cant climb two flights of stairs without getting short of breath, you need to get some sort of evaluation.”

There are some other signs and symptoms that serve as a cautionary warnings.

For men, erectile dysfunction is a sign of cardiovascular disease as well as peripheral vascular disease or pain in your legs when walking, said McGinn.

Little decisions each day can have a huge impact on your risk factors. McGinn also suggests asking your general practitioner for a risk stratification for cardiovascular disease if you have a family history.

The usual tests should also be tracked during your annual exam: blood pressure, cholesterol and possibly a calcium score. But McGinn suggests diet and exercise are the most important influence on your overall cardiovascular health.

You dont have to be vegan, but eating a plant-based diet that is low in caloric intake is your safest bet, recommended McGinn. I hear the sentiment, men would die for the ones they love. But they rarely ask themselves would they live for the ones they love.

McGinn recommends checking out this calorie calculator to make sure your diet is in check.

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